I have a recently purchased CR200 and an older SR50 sonic ranging sensor.I've tried all SDI-12 addresses, and I always get "NAN" for my outputs. I've been using short cut …
The recommended maximum is 24 AVW206 devices. …
Where is the list of fields for the Status table that are "read only"?Also, why won't the "StationName" routine accept a string variable to set the station name …
There are many cavity- and notch-type filters available from third-party manufacturers. …
Dear All,I would like to ask if there are any known problems regarding the "EthernetPower()" instruction. We are using this instruction to disable the Ethernet Interface …
No. In this scenario, the base RF401A can only communicate with the RF400 devices via the transparent communications protocol, or with the CR206X dataloggers via the PakBus protoco …
Hi,I would like to call my two CR800 datalogger via GSM three times per day and precisely at : 08, 12, 16.Is there a way to setup such schedule. I looked in the schedule tab but if …
In theory, a single RF430 can communicate with 4,000 CR206X dataloggers, as this is the maximum number of unique PakBus addresses available for use in a single RF network. The prac …
When the program below executes the Average command, how many data points is it averaging. It seems like since the table is called after every scan, the Average would bejust the av …
The COM220 and the RF401A can coexist on the CS IO terminal, provided that they are assigned two different SDC addresses. …