The cloud ceiling height relates to the height of the base of the cloud where the sky is overcast or has broken cloud cover. …
The documentation states that "RTMCRT Version 3.x is optimized for displaying projects created using the RTMC Pro 3.x development tool."Does this mean that RTMC Dev 3.x w …
The CS135 has LED indicator lights that flash to indicate normal or fault statuses.Where:1 flash every 10 seconds = OK, no fault2 flashes every 10 seconds = warning (possible degra …
When I specify workspace pixel dimensions to match the native resolution of the monitor (in my case, 2560x1600 for a 30" monitor), there are scroll bars that appear on the bot …
Warnings are identified by the instrument when system parameters go beyond the optimum manufacturer-defined range, but where this does not prevent the operation of the sensor. An e …
HelloIs it allowed to declare variables and constants using PUBLIC and CONST inside a SlowSequence?e.g.BeginProgScan.NextScanSlowSequencePUBLIC testvariable As StringCONST testcons …
Alarms are identified by the instrument if a self-test parameter goes beyond the range of a user-defined or manufacturer-defined setting.Examples of manufacturer-defined settings i …
I have five CR10x. Recently I got problem with (I think) internal batteries. When I change the external battery, the time no longer correct, start from 00:00, date as well and all …
Some alarms, such as the tilt-angle and low-power battery shutdown voltages, are configurable. Most parameters are not configurable because they relate to the internal safe functio …
CR1000 manual suggestDSP4, and GOESData functions as alternatives to store data besides a card. In loggernet there is not further reference for DSP4; I followed the instructions fo …