Reach Robotics develops robotic manipulators (also known as robotics arms) for harsh environments. This general guide explains a manipulator, its different conReach Alpha ROV Manip …
What does ‘Inverse Kinematics’ mean?Allowing for an over-simplification, ‘kinematics’ relates to the motion (position, velocity, and acceleration) of a geometric system. We t …
Reach Robotics attended the Ocean Business exhibition from the 18th to 20th of April 2023, a global industry hub for ocean science and technology innovators. It provided a tremendo …
The aim of this article is to provide a high-level answer to the question: “What do people use underwater robotic arms for?” If you’ve worked with Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) …
What is an ROV Gripper?An ROV gripper is a robotic ‘hand’ or ‘claw’ that attaches to an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to provide a means of interacting with the enviro …
Inspection-class ROVs are portable observation vehicles typically used for underwater intervention and maintenance activities. The ROVs propensity to integrate with a variety of ex …
At Reach Robotics, our team of Software Engineers understand the challenges associated with integrating complex, existing systems, and the significance of having well-built develop …
What is field testing and why is it conducted?Field testing is a development process which allows Reach Robotics to collect valuable information and data on our products completing …
The Bravo class of robotic arms were initially developed to support customers seeking remote operation solutions for inspection-class vehicles. Using these advanced manipulation sy …
What is Quality Control? At Reach Robotics, we subject all our manipulators to a quality control process that includes parts inspection, burn-in testing, vacuum testing, dynamic te …