The Bravo class of robotic arms were initially developed to support customers seeking remote operation solutions for inspection-class vehicles. Using these advanced manipulation systems, Bravo operators are pushing the scope of capability in remote operations for harsh environments.
Today we’ve collected the most frequently asked questions about the Reach Bravo range we receive to shed light on some of their features and applications.
Is the Reach Bravo Modular?
Reach Bravo manipulators are modular with existing configurations ranging between 2-7 functions. They increase in size and number of joints for greater dexterity, length and range of motion. Finding the right Bravo for any mission involves determining if there’s adequate length and dexterity for the operation at hand, as well as vehicle integration considerations. Speak to our Sales Team about your specific tasks and they can assist in finding a solution.

Can I service the Bravo in-field?
Yes! We know working in harsh environments comes with associated risk. If you have a failure in the field, you can use our Reach Bravo Servicing Kit (RB-1090) to swap in a new module on-site and continue operations.

Can I attach my Bravo to my existing ROV?
Reach Bravo robotic arms are specifically designed and proven on leading inspection-class ROVs including SAAB’s Falcon and Seatronic’s Valor ROVs. They are compact, portable and lightweight, making them ideal for this vehicle class, and can come with Mounting Kits and Plates for ease during setup. Our Support Team can provide remote integration assistance if required.

Can I affix my own device/tool onto the Bravo?
Yes you can! Our End-effector Interface is a mounting plate with pre-existing drill holes to simplify attachment of external devices. Alternatively you can browse our broad range of versatile Bravo end-effector tooling including cutters and grippers in various configurations.
I need a custom solution with Bravo – can Reach Robotics help me?
Our customers often work with niche operational requirements that need custom solutions. Get in touch with our Sales Team and describe the specific problem you’re trying to solve. Our team of engineers can assist in developing the right solution with Reach Bravo.

Does the Reach Bravo come with Warranty?
Yes, Bravo’s come with a 12 month warranty with options to extend, as well as scheduled servicing options to make the most of your manipulator. See more here.