>Using Short Cut, how can the average wind direction be calculated?_Campbellsci 数采常见问题 52ocean 2023-04-08 0 243 次浏览 仪器使用 Using Short Cut, click the applicable wind direction sensor in the Selected Sensors list of the Outputs screen. The two output options enabled are Sample and WindVector. Select WindVector. The WindVector instruction has output options. Select an option with mean wind direction in it. 分享到: 原文链接:>Using Short Cut, how can the average wind direction be calculated?_Campbellsci 数采常见问题,转发请注明来源! 上一篇: >Is it possible to replace only the wind sentry vane of a 03002-L? If so, is it user replaceable? _Campbellsci 数采常见问题 下一篇: Repair function on Loggernet_Campbellsci论坛问答 「>Using Short Cut, how can the average wind direction be calculated?_Campbellsci 数采常见问题」评论列表 发表评论 名称 电子邮件 站点