RTMC Pro only works with email-type alarms. However, many cellular service providers offer email-to-text-message gateways that allow users to send an email message and have i …
The report range is selected by using the forward and back arrows. …
Ensure that the versions of RTMC products match (same version for Run-Time and Developer). …
Yes. RTMC Pro includes options to export entire screens or specific objects. These images can then be incorporated into a separate web page. …
LoggerNet Admin can be run as a service by installing the included LoggerNet service manager. Projects published as web pages to the CSI Web Server will also run as a service. …
This can be done by comparing the last time stamp of the value with the current system time within an IIF() function. …
Consider using IIF(). Here is an example of using the last value instead of the -6999 in a min run over a day with temp avg:Alias(X, "Server:CR1000.HOUR.Temp_F_Avg"); StartRelative …
The CSI Web Server can only be configured to be a stand-alone web server. RTMC Run-Time does have the ability to periodically generate web pages from the project and to transfer th …
The project needs to be designed in RTMC Pro using the development environment. The project can then be run within the development environment or by using RTMC Run-Time. …
The unexpected socket error indicates that the Windows IP stack has decided to close the socket. This is either because of TCP transmission time-outs or the action of many personal …