R. M. Young, the manufacturer of this sensor, recommends a maximum cable length of 300 m (984.25 ft) between the wind monitor and a data systemdisplay. For longer cable runs, …
The CS110 uses the same gas discharge tubes, etc., so it provides similar surge protection as the CR1000. The ground paths are different, although both are intended to provide a go …
Two CS547A-L probes can be wired to a CR1000 datalogger, and three CS547A-L probes can be wired to a CR3000 datalogger. To wire additional probes to either of these data loggers, a …
Cloud heightCloud height is commonly used to refer to the height of the cloud base above ground level. (This is what the ceilometer reports.) However, it can also be used to refer …
The cloud ceiling height relates to the height of the base of the cloud where the sky is overcast or has broken cloud cover. …
The CS135 has LED indicator lights that flash to indicate normal or fault statuses.Where:1 flash every 10 seconds = OK, no fault2 flashes every 10 seconds = warning (possible degra …
Warnings are identified by the instrument when system parameters go beyond the optimum manufacturer-defined range, but where this does not prevent the operation of the sensor. An e …
Alarms are identified by the instrument if a self-test parameter goes beyond the range of a user-defined or manufacturer-defined setting.Examples of manufacturer-defined settings i …
Some alarms, such as the tilt-angle and low-power battery shutdown voltages, are configurable. Most parameters are not configurable because they relate to the internal safe functio …
In the unlikely event that a warning or an alarm is issued, the warning flag output indicates the nature of any fault.Few warnings or alarms are actionable by the user—except …