>Which data logger port should be used to connect a data logger to an OMNISAT-M?_Campbellsci 数采常见问题 52ocean 2023-04-15 0 229 次浏览 仪器使用 >Which data logger port should be used to connect a data logger to an OMNISATM问题 To connect a data logger to an OMNISAT-M, use the RS-232 port of the data logger. Connection using the CS I/O port of the data logger will not be successful. 分享到: 原文链接:>Which data logger port should be used to connect a data logger to an OMNISAT-M?_Campbellsci 数采常见问题,转发请注明来源! 上一篇: Short Cut Question Simple Controller by Time_Campbellsci论坛问答 下一篇: networking with RF 401/CR206/CR1000/CR10X_Campbellsci论坛问答 「>Which data logger port should be used to connect a data logger to an OMNISAT-M?_Campbellsci 数采常见问题」评论列表 发表评论 名称 电子邮件 站点