I have a seabird probe continually output string data that I am connecting to a CR1000. When I connect it to the RS232 port with a null modem cable, I have success reading the string data. Program looks like this and works fine:
SerialOpen (ComRS232,9600,0,0,200) 'SeaBird - 9600 None-8-1 and clears buffer
SerialOut (ComRS232,CR,"",0,0)
Scan (5,Sec,0,0)
SerialOut (ComRS232,Pollcmd+CRLF,"",0,0) 'sends a TS command (take sample)
SerialIn (SeaBirdData,ComRS232,490,CRLF,100)
SplitStr (ParseStr(),SeaBirdData,CHR(44),2,5)
SerialFlush (ComRS232)
CallTable Seabird
however when I use leads (pin 2/3 rx/tx and pin 5 gnd) instead of the standard Rs232 cable and change in the program ComRS232 to Com1 (or to any of the com1..4), I have no success. Baud rate is the same, as is parity/data/stop bits. Switching pin 2/3 leads does not yield desired results either. My cable worksI have set the baud rates in DevConf as well, and all are correct.
Anyone seen this before? suggestions?
many thanks,
I'm not familiar with the sensor, but if it works with a multi-pin RS232 cable but not with only Tx, Rx, and Gnd, it sounds like there may be some other control pins missing. Often these can be dummied on the sensor end if needed, e.g., to assert DSR or CTS or whatever. The sensor specs or manual should detail what is required for it to work.