AT comands wavecom-conection to computer_Campbellsci论坛问答

I have a CR1000 datalogger with Fastrack Supreme Wavecom Modem...I want to know the coverage GPRS, and another series of parameters of the modem ... nevertheless I do not manage to accede to the modem in way Hyperterminal....
If I try different speeds (9600-115200 baud)... I do not obtain any response of the modem .... and sometimes it me remains hung and I have to restart.
(I connect using a cable RS232 to sc12 and I use of instruccions to the manual of Campbell to connect the wavecom to the computer).

Thank you.

AT comands wavecom-conection to computer_Campbellsci论坛问答


Please explain what cables/interfaces you are using to connect the Wavecom to the PC. Normally you need what we call a programming cable, which is a 9-way to 15-way cable - this is not the SC12.


Here is the code I use to send and receive short messages.

'Read the next SMS form the simcard every scan - Test all positions in order not to miss any
'The position to read with every scan wil be changed from 1 to 2 to save time in this case
POS = POS + 1
if POS = 3 then POS = 1
SERIAL_IN = "" ' Maak varibale skoon om volgende SMS te ontvang
command = "AT+CMGR="+POS+CHR(13)
SerialOpen (COMRS232,9600,0,0,10000)
SerialFlush (COMRS232)
SerialOut(COMRS232,command,0,0,200) 'Wag net twee sekondes
SerialIn (Serial_In,COMRS232,500,-5,200) 'Wag 5 sekondes

If Len(SERIAL_IN) > 30 Then 'There is an SMS to process
SplitStr (SMS(1),SERIAL_IN,CHR$(34),9,6)
SMScontent = SMS(6)

'Delete the SMS from the simcard
command = "AT+CMGD="+pos+CHR(13)
SerialIn (SERIAL_IN,COMRS232,200,-5,500)

SerialOpen(COMRS232,9600,0,0,5000) 'Open RS232 Port
SerialOut(COMRS232,"AT+CMGS="+SMSNUMBER+CHR(13),0,0,700) 'Send serial data(GSM number) to RS232 and wait for apropriate return string, retries and timeout apply.
Serialout(COMRS232,SMSCONTENT+chr(26),0,0,700) 'Send serial data(GSM message) to RS232 and wait for apropriate return string, retries and timeout apply.
CallTable sms
Delay (1,7,Sec)


Hello Andrew, I connect the wavecom using 9-way to 15-way cable connect directly to wavecom moden and then the SC12 cable to connedt the RS232 computer cable to 9-15 way cable.

I want to send you a photo of the connection, but the Forum does not allow to place photos.

If you want that sends her you to your e-mail say it to me

Thank you.


Hello Andrew, I connect the wavecom using 9-way to 15-way cable connect directly to wavecom moden and then the SC12 cable to connedt the RS232 computer cable to 9-15 way cable.

I want to send you a photo of the connection, but the Forum does not allow to place photos.

If you want that sends her you to your e-mail say it to me

Thank you.


My email is andrew dot sandford AT campbellsci dot co dot uk

(Change the dot to . and the AT to @).

First though I can tell you that the standard 9-15 way cable is OK for connection to a PC serial port but to connect from the logger to the RS232 port on a logger you need a null modem version of that cable.


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