LI-190 Historical Data_Campbellsci论坛问答

We have about 15 years worth of LI-190 (PAR) data, from about 10 stations, where the multiplier was 200 rather than the individually calculated multipliers we use now. I can't think of a way to go back and fix the prior data without knowing which individual sensors were being used. Any ideas, or is this old data unusable?

LI-190 Historical Data_Campbellsci论坛问答


If the original sensors are unknown, then the best you could do would be to set error bounds on the values, i.e., based on the nominal calibration value used vs the range of possible calibration constants. The data might still be of some value, just not as accurate as one might wish. The data might be perfectly suitable for some uses and not for others, depending on the needs and goals of the user.


海洋仪器网 仪器使用 LI-190 Historical Data_Campbellsci论坛问答
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