CR1000.Std.17 filemanager_Campbellsci论坛问答

We have a CR1000 logger with OS17 installed and with a CC640 camera connected. The camera currently lacks a CF card, but I tried to configure the logger's USR: drive to store a good number of pictures, ending up with 1503232 bytes, which seemed to be the maximum value allowed.

I'm downloading pictures to LoggerNet-Linux (v4.0-26) using the manual-file-synch cora-command, but am not getting the newest images. A listing using the list-files cora-command shows the following (sorted and filtered):

CR1000.Std.17 filemanager_Campbellsci论坛问答

date time image size
2009-10-04 11:00:34 fb_sfence1384.JPG 27454
2009-10-04 11:30:34 fb_sfence1385.JPG 29345
2009-10-04 12:00:32 fb_sfence1386.JPG 24884
2009-10-06 12:30:42 fb_sfence1440.JPG 40212
2009-10-06 13:30:40 fb_sfence1442.JPG 41092
2009-10-06 14:30:42 fb_sfence1444.JPG 40027
2009-10-06 15:30:40 fb_sfence1446.JPG 39520
2009-10-06 16:30:40 fb_sfence1448.JPG 37299
2009-10-06 19:30:22 fb_sfence1454.JPG 11114
2009-10-08 19:00:28 fb_sfence1507.JPG 18234

Ok, actually the most recent image was retrieved, but it appears like new images are being overwritten instead of the oldest ones doing that. There's also a chance that images are not being taken, so more checking is needed...

The USR drive now has 62 images in it; maybe I set the filemanager to rotate after 100 files. Is there a limit on maximum files that the filemanager can manage?

Correction: the saved devconfig file shows that the filemanager is configured for 1000 files, obviously far more than would fit. Until we can go back and change that number to 50 or 60, I think the only course will be to try to retrieve as many images as we can, then format the drive to get access to new ones. Or I may try deleting some of them to see if the new ones then appear.

* Last updated by: kirving on 10/9/2009 @ 3:04 PM *


I deleted several small images that are too dark anyway, and that's freed enough memory to allow new images to be saved. That should keep us going until the file manager settings can be changed.

Is there any way to alter those settings remotely, i.e., instead of using devconfig on-site? I suppose it might be possible to run devconfig over the internet+radio telmetry...


Yes. You should have a copy of the Windows clients with your Linux server(LoggerNet Remote) to run on a second Window's based computer. Use PakBus graph to change the setting -- open PakBus Graph, right click on the datalogger and choose Edit Settings. The Files Manager setting is toward the bottom.

Regards, Dana W.


Oh, as a point of reference, the following is in the CRBasic Help file. I think the info about max size for the USR drive was not available until the LoggerNet 4 release, so you would not have it if you have an older LoggerNet and have not updated DEF files for CRBasic (which you can do, by downloading the OS17 from our web site -- it updates the CRBasic files, too):

The USR drive is a user-created drive in the CR1000, CR3000, and CR800 dataloggers. It can be set up by assigning a value to the datalogger's UsrDriveSize setting in the Status table (either by entering a value into the Status Table directly, by using DevConfig, or by setting it with the SetStatus instruction). This drive must be set to at least 8192 bytes, in 512 byte increments (if the value entered is not a multiple of 512 bytes, the size will be rounded up). Maximum size is calculated based on the datalogger's total memory size less approximately 403 KB (reserved for the OS and file system). If the value entered for the USRDriveSize is greater than the maximum, the drive will be set to the maximum.

HTH, Dana


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