Rotary Shaft Encoder guidance_Campbellsci论坛问答

Hello Everyone,
I'm looking for some guidance with shaft encoders, specifically this one
We are using the device in the TTL output mode with the A,B and Z outputs. Assuming I can read this device with SDM-IO16. Just wondering if anyone had any experience and a sample program to deal with these. I'm using them to measure angular position of a rotary table. Any help is certainly appreciated.

* Last updated by: IslandMan on 10/2/2009 @ 5:16 AM *

Rotary Shaft Encoder guidance_Campbellsci论坛问答



Its been a decade or more since I last interfaced an optical encoder to a CR10. That being said, you may want to look at US Digital's line of encoder interface chips. For about $5 you can a chip which requires very few components, user selectable choice of 1,2,4X decoding in an 8 pin package. The chip decodes the quadrature signals and provides two pulse outputs, one for up the other for down. Then feed these into 2 data loggers pulse input channels and you should be good to go. See the LFLS7184



Thank You Steve!

While not the OP, I'm very interested, and the LFLS7183 looks to be just perfect! (The 184 does direction and clock, while the 183 does up clock and down clock separately.)

Thanks Again!



You are welcome, hope it helps out. I've used quite a few of the earlier versions to convert the older chart type water level recorders to digital output for output to CR10(X) dataloggers (using an incremental encoder of course). Yep there are two versions, one with pulse and direction outputs and one with up and down pulse outputs. I've also used the LFLS-7166 24-bit encoder to microprocessor interface chip in several projects.

I would like to say thanks to CSI for creating this forum and continuing to provide excellent technical support etc. I've recently become active with CSI loggers after a ten year hiatus. A lot has changed for sure, over the last 9 months I've specified, ordered and completed three field research sites with over 30 CR1000's which are happily communicating with each other due to the quality of the gear, tech support and these forums. All I need now is the CSI tee-shirt and I'll be all good ;)



Hi Steve,
Thanks for the advice on US Digital but I don't have time to develop a board and supporting hardware at the moment. I thought it may be "easy" to use the SDM-IO16 I have already built into the system for other tasks.I'll keep on searching.

PS I note that US Digital has a number of interface options so I'll contact them, thanks again.

* Last updated by: IslandMan on 10/5/2009 @ 4:11 AM *


I'm sure campbell tech support will get you going on the SDM-IO16 if possible. The LFLS7366R-S model has a serial interface but is only available in a SO package if memory serves correctly. I've a few of these but not had the chance to try them out. The 8 pin modules would be your best bet if in a pinch.


US Digital has been busy, and you are correct, they have a few options that may work in a pinch. I noticed they have a breakout board for the 8 pin decoders.


I've already sent an email to my contact at US Digital regarding the PC6. I'll post when I hear back.


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