










As for functionality, all of our dataloggers:

Measure sensors


Process data onboard


Initiate measurement and control functions based ?

on time or event

Control external devices such as pumps, motors, ?

alarms, freezers, and valves

Operate independently of ac power, computers, ?

and human interaction

Use our PC support soft ware to program the logger ?

Consume minimal power from a 12 Vdc source ?

Interface with on-site and telemetry devices


Perform reliably under adverse conditions


W e manufacture a complete line of dataloggers that range in size and complexity. Dataloggers vary in the supported scan rates, number and type of input/output channels, analog resolution, and analog voltage accuracy. To help customers choose the best datalogger for their application, this document describes the diff erent components of the datalogger, provides a brief sum-mary of each datalogger model available, and includes charts that compare the datalogger specifi cations and list the compatible devices.

Campbell Scientifi c Dataloggers Campbell Scientifi c dataloggers are at the center of our rugged, reliable data acquisition systems. They are known for their fl exibility,


precision measurements, and dependability—even in harsh, remote environments.

Keyboard Display

Th e datalogger’s keyboard display allows you to manu-ally transfer data and display sensor readings, stored values, or fl ag/port status. It consists of a 128 x 64 pixel backlit graphical LCD or eight-line numeric display and a 16-character keyboard.

Our CR850, CR3000, and CR5000 have a built-in key-board display as part of their integrated package. Th e CR800 and CR1000 dataloggers use the CR1000KD, a portable keyboard display that can be carried from site to site. A keyboard display is not available for our CR200X-series and CR9000X dataloggers. Programming

Our contemporary dataloggers are programmed with CRBasic. CRBasic stems from the BASIC programming language. It provides special instructions for making mea-surements and creating tables of output data. CRBasic also supports algebraic and conditional expressions. Data Storage

Data is stored in multiple tables that can be individu-ally sized and collected. Th is storage method lets you group and store like-data in separate tables.Communication Protocols


Traditionally, our dataloggers use a connection-based communications protocol.


With the PakBus protocol, networks have the distrib-uted routing intelligence to continually evaluate links. Continually evaluating links optimizes delivery times and, in the case of delivery failure, allows automatic switch over to a confi gured backup route.


Th e Modbus RTU protocol supports both fl oating point and long formats. Th e datalogger can act as a slave and/or master.


Th e DNP3 protocol supports only long data formats. Th e dataloggers are level 2 slave compliant, with some of the operations found in a level 3 implementation. TCP/IP, FTP, and SMTP

Th ese protocols provide TCP/IP functionality when a CR1000 or CR3000 is used in conjunction with an NL115, NL120, or third party serial IP device.

Input/Output Connections

{ CS I/O Port connects

to most of our data

storage, data retrieval,

and telecommunica-

tions peripherals.Power & Ground Connections pro-vide power for 12 V or 5 V peripherals and grounding points for sensors and peripherals.

Input/Output Connections

include analog inputs, con-

tinuous analog outputs, pulse

counters, switched excitation

outputs, and digital I/O ports.

These connections measure,

communicate with, and power

sensors and peripherals.

RS-232 Serial I/O

Port connects

directly to a com-

puter or to smart

serial sensors.

Analog Inputs

Analog inputs measure voltage levels. Th ese inputs can be confi gured to make single-ended (a voltage measure-ment compared to ground) or diff erential (the high side of a voltage output compared to the low side) measure-ments. Voltages must fall within the input voltage range of the datalogger; 2:1 and 10:1 voltage dividers are avail-able. Soft ware selectable voltage ranges let you take full advantage of the datalogger’s resolution to measure volt-age changes as small as 0.33 μV (depends on datalogger model). Sensors measured by analog inputs include thermocouples, thermistors, resistive bridges, vibrating wires, and 4 to 20 mA outputs.

Continuous Analog Outputs

Several datalogger models have continuous analog outputs, which provide voltage levels to displays or proportional controllers.

Pulse Counters

Pulse counters measure switch closures, low level AC sine waves, or high frequency pulses. Th ey sum the number of counts over each execution interval (scan rate), and allow the determination of variables such as rpm, velocity, fl ow, and rainfall intensity. Sensors that use pulse counters include tipping bucket rain gauges, fl ow meters, and anemometers.

Digital I/O Ports

Digital I/O ports detect status, read SDM peripherals or SDI-12 sensors, and control external devices. Each port can be configured separately within the data-logger’s program.Power and Ground Inputs

Power and ground inputs allow easy connection of an energy source, typically 12 V dc nominal, to energize the datalogger. Switched 12 V terminals allow the datalogger to supply power to a peripheral only when the peripheral is being measured, thus reducing power consumption. Switched Excitation Outputs

All of our dataloggers have switched voltage excitation outputs. Th ese outputs provide programmable excita-tions for resistive bridge measurements by switching voltage on and off. Bridge measurements are the ratio of the bridge output to the excitation voltage, eliminat-ing any errors in the excitation voltage.

Th e CR3000 and CR5000 also have switched current exci-tation outputs. Th ese outputs are for resistance measure-ments and are programmable over a ±2.5 mA range. Communications/Data Storage Ports

Th e CS I/O 9-pin port is used to connect most of our data storage and retrieval peripherals. Connection to a laptop or PC requires an interface, typically the SC32B Optically Isolated Interface.

Th e RS-232 port allows the datalogger to be connected to the PC’s serial port via an RS-232 cable—no in-terface required. On the CR200X-series, CR3000,

CR5000, and CR9000X, this port is electrically iso-lated. Isolation is not provided by the RS-232 port on the CR800-series and CR1000 dataloggers.

Our CR1000 and CR3000 have a 20-pin parallel peri-pheral port for connecting devices that store data on a CompactFlash card and/or communicate via Ethernet.

Datalogger Descriptions (listed from smallest to largest)


CR800-series Measurement and Control System

The CR800 series consists of measurement electronics encased in a plastic shell and an integrated wiring panel. The CR800 series uses

an external power supply—typically the BPALK Alkaline Battery Pack or PS100 Rechargeable Power Supply.


Design Features:? Th ese research-grade dataloggers have a custom ASIC chip that expands pulse count, control port, and serial communications capabilities. Th ey are compatible with channel expansion peripher-als and thermocouples, and support serial communica-tions with serial sensors and devices via I/O port pairs.Ideal Applications:? Wind profi ling, weather stations, ETo/agriculture, air quality, soil moisture, water level/stage, aquaculture, vehicle testing, Time Domain Refl ectometry, SCADA, water quality.

Models Available: ? CR800 uses the portable CR1000KD keyboard display; CR850 includes a keyboard display as part of its integrated package.

CR1000 Measurement and Control System

The CR1000 consists of a measurement and control module and a detachable wiring panel. It uses an external power supply, usually the BPALK or PS100, and a portable keyboard display, the CR1000KD.


Design Features: ? Besides providing all of the design features for the CR800-series dataloggers, the CR1000 has more channels and includes a 40-pin parallel peripheral port. Th e peripheral port interfaces with the NL115 Ethernet Interface & CompactFlash Mod-ule, the NL120 Ethernet Interface, or the CFM100 CompactFlash? Module.

Ideal Applications: ? Fire weather, Mesonet systems, wind profiling, weather stations, air quality, ETo/agriculture, soil moisture, water level/stage, aqua-culture, avalanche forecasting, Time Domain Refl

ectometry, vehicle testing, SCADA, water quality.

Design Features:? Th ese are our smallest and lowest-cost dataloggers. Th ree of the models include an internal spread spectrum radio, which allows the dataloggers to be used as wireless sensors.

Ideal Applications: ? Wireless sensors, wind energy, rural water, aquaculture, water quality.

Models Available: ? CR200X (no radio), CR206X (915 MHz radio), CR211X (922 MHz radio), CR216X (2.4 GHz ra-dio), CR295X (supports GOES satellite telemetry).

CR200X-series Datalogger/Wireless Sensor

The input channel confi guration of the CR200X-series dataloggers is optimal for measuring one or two sensors; these dataloggers are

not compatible with channel expansion devices or thermocouples. The CR200X series uses an external power supply.

CR3000 Micrologger

The CR3000 consists of a compact, integrated package with a built-in power supply, a 128 x 64 pixel backlit graphical or eight-line numeric display, and a 16-character keyboard.


Design Features: ? Th e CR3000 provides all of the CR1000's design features, as well as more channels, programmable switched current outputs, and remov-able terminal strips.

Ideal Applications: ? Eddy covariance, wind profi ling, HV AC, weather stations, vehicle testing, air quality, process control, Mesonet systems, agriculture, soil moisture, Time Domain Refl ectometry, water quality Base Options: ? Sealed rechargeable battery, alkaline batteries, or low-profi

le (no-battery) base.

CR5000 Measurement and Control System

The CR5000 consists of a compact, integrated package with a built-in power supply, a 128 x 64 pixel backlit graphical or eight-line numeric display, and a 16-character keyboard.


Design Features:? Th e CR5000 has a sampling rate of up to 5000 Hz, an onboard PC-card slot for expanding its storage capacity, and programmable switched cur-rent outputs.

Ideal Applications: ? Eddy covariance, Bowen ratio, weather stations, vehicle testing, HV AC, process moni-toring and control, structural or fatigue analysis, ma-chinery testing, energy management and conservation.Base Options: ? Sealed rechargeable battery or low-profi

le (no-battery) base.


Design Features:? Th e CR9000X supports a measure-ment rate of up to 100,000 Hz, provides 180 MHz clock speed, has an onboard PC-card slot for expand-ing its storage capacity, and includes an onboard 10baseT/100baseT port. Also, the CR9000X can

provide anti-aliasing and real-time FFT capabilities by using a CR9052IEPE or CR9052DC module.

Ideal Applications:? Vehicle testing, structural or seismic monitoring, or other applications that require rapid sampling or a large number of high resolution channels.Models Available: ? Standard CR9000X includes the base system and slots for up to nine I/O modules; the user chooses either the lab or environmental enclosure. Th e CR9000XC includes the base system, slots for up to fi ve I/O modules, and an environmental enclosure.

CR9000X Measurement & Control Systems

The CR9000X is a large modular datalogger that consists of a base system and slots for user-specifi

ed I/O modules.

Comparison Table for Smaller Dataloggers



Comparison Table for Larger Dataloggers







Copyright ? 1999, 2009

Campbell Scienti? c, Inc.


