Welcome to the new Campbell Scientific user forums. Over the years, we've discussed the benefits of user forums more than once, so we're excited to make this available now.Resource …
We are adding to our existing RF401 network. We are trying to get a CR1000 to communicate with a CR206, hop through a RF401 with a CR10X to the base. The CR1000 comes in, but the C …
I'm using Short Cut 2.8 and was curious if you can use "time" as a variable to actuate a device using the Simple Control wdeadband option? It does not appear in the drop …
I am developing a set of Microsoft Visio wiring diagrams for Campbell Scientific-based installations. These diagrams would benefit greatly from a library of vector-based graphic im …
Per our customer's request, we are trying to setup multiple NL100s and CR100s in a fashion similar to a standard MD485 network:Computer <<<>>> NL100 #1 RS-232 Por …
Hi all,I am having a problem with the PulsePort command (long winded post ahead)I use C4 and C7 to control two servo motors using pulse width modulation.Originally I used the PWM c …
As I understand sending a "M!" command with "SDI12Recorder" will send a "D0!" after the sensor response time expires.Is it possible instead to send a …
Hello,In a certificate of calibration of the datalogger CR1000: - Does tolerance in mV correspond with the expanded uncertainty, with k=2?. -Which is the tolerance in mV to values …
Hello, I am using up a bunch of our CR1000 control ports reading wetdry contacts and I'm running out.I looked at expanding the control ports with a SDM-CDXX module but budgets kill …
helloI've read the features of powerup.ini in the CR800 and CR1000 manuals. Though I'm not sure which hardware it needs to benefit from powerup.ini.Does it work only on a CF card? …