Is it possible to upload a new OS to a CR1000 without a direct serial connection? In my case, I'm communicating with the datalogger using LoggerNet over TCPIP. The datalogger has a …
helloI like to use my own constant to open a port for serial comminications. First I tried to use a string constant, but the compiler requested a numeric constant.Based on the list …
The documentation states that "RTMCRT Version 3.x is optimized for displaying projects created using the RTMC Pro 3.x development tool."Does this mean that RTMC Dev 3.x w …
When I specify workspace pixel dimensions to match the native resolution of the monitor (in my case, 2560x1600 for a 30" monitor), there are scroll bars that appear on the bot …
HelloIs it allowed to declare variables and constants using PUBLIC and CONST inside a SlowSequence?e.g.BeginProgScan.NextScanSlowSequencePUBLIC testvariable As StringCONST testcons …
I have five CR10x. Recently I got problem with (I think) internal batteries. When I change the external battery, the time no longer correct, start from 00:00, date as well and all …
CR1000 manual suggestDSP4, and GOESData functions as alternatives to store data besides a card. In loggernet there is not further reference for DSP4; I followed the instructions fo …
I was experimenting with some code for sending datas using ftp through COM1.Something was wrong with the code and it seems to stuck in an endless loop, sending out over and over th …
我刚得到一个“;霍尔马克“;作为zip文件附件的卡片,在检查标题时,我发现它来自:来自[])追踪路线实际上指向了!无论如何,任何人都不应该打开这样的东西,犯罪现场调查局可能应该检查那台机器。。。新对话如下:谢谢威廉。我们的IT人员 …
你好我的WXT510需要一个CR10X程序。我知道CS手册有一个示例程序,但它并不完整。我不是程序员,大多数程序都使用SCWIN。SCWIN没有维萨拉WXT510的列表。我愿意为一个项目付钱给别人。谢谢肯尼新对话如下:肯尼,这很难,因为没有多少人再使用CR10X进行测试,然后是WXT510的设置。如果你留下你的电子邮件,我会联系你,看看我们能做些什么。戴夫新 …